

What is the best program/software to use when it comes to Dubstep?

-I'm looking for a new hobby and after hearing some Dubstep music/songs, I've taken quite a liking to it and figured I'd like to give it a shot. I have heard about programs such as DubTurbo and Reaper, but nothing more. I'm looking for one that is reliable, easy to use for a beginner (such as myself), and costs a fair price for what I'm buying.

Since I'm just a beginner delving into the idea of creating Dubstep beats, I'm not looking for programs like Logic (I believe that's what it's called) which I believe is quite expensive and more oriented at professionals who know what they are doing.

To add to the suggestions of programs to use, what is a good site to look for tutorials as how to use the program or would the program already have a guide, etc.

Thank you for the help :)Dubturbo is pretty shabby. For the money, you can't really go wrong with Reaper. A lot of music software is significantly overpriced due to piracy. Reaper is massively under-priced. $40 for a license is virtually nothing compared to its real value.

It can do everything that software such as Logic, Reason and Pro Tools can. You just have to know how to use it properly. I use Ableton Suite 8. Max For Live (a feature of Ableton) is mindblowing and definitely worth the price. You can design your own instruments, effects....there's nothing you can't do. But it is expensive.

When it comes to learning, the manual and Youtube are your best friends. If you just type "reaper dubstep tutorial" into the Youtube search engine, you'll get more than you could ever hope for. Reading manuals can be a bit laborious but honestly, it's worth it if you want to be serious about music.

