-Then cut you so fast, when your blood spilled it was still blue.
Q: What's your favorite song on The Slim Shady LP?
BQ: Which do you prefer, TSSLP, TMMLP, or TES?
BQ2: Why do you think Eminem used to bleach his hair?Favorite song:role model
BQ2:idk really. It made him make better music.Rock Bottom, my favourite Em song.
BQ2: I have no idea, I think it looks better darker.
1. Still don't Give A fvck
2. TMMLP for Life. Even though they're all amazing.
3. He didn't blech his hair. He said he took some drug. Then, he woke up in the morning with blonde hair.
And Hmm..
Damn kids, you say? Coming from someone with the profile picture and name of Spider - Man.
Yeah, real mature.
Q1. My Name Is
Q2. ??
Q3. I don't know