

Breaking Bad or Dexter?

-Which show do you like more ?? both big shows very popular. In my opinion i like Dexter more wbu?Dexter is fantastic, but Breaking Bad brings it to a whole other level.

It's something really difficult to put your finger on. I guess it might be the complexity and the emotion. Perhaps also because Breaking Bad encourages you to invest very strongly in a number of characters. Besides Walt there is also Jesse and to a lesser extent Skyler. Dexter has a great supporting cast, but at the end of the day your loyalty will always lie with Dexter.Breaking bad is seriously the best show in years . Dexter rivals neither the plot or the complexity and detail that the creator has weaved into the intricate tapestry of this tale. Breaking bad will no doubt win many awards this year with its unique and fresh angle.
Breaking bad..see animation on topic.


