

On a scale of 1-10, how good is Madonna with a guitar?

-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CSd6frqbI鈥?/a>I would say 5. My boyfriend plays guitar

in a band, so I've heard his analyzation of her playing when we watch her concert videos. She plays rhythm a lot, or just busts out power cords, like someone else said. She played guitar and drums way back in the late 70's early 80's, then took it up again. She has gotten better but it takes a lot of dedication to become great, and she divides her attention to too many other things.

I imagine/hope that if she gets too old to carry a whole concert dancing, she'll get really great at guitar and just go with rock.i'd say about a 7, but she only started playing guitar as an older adult, which makes it harder to learn. i'd say for a popstar who knows singing and dancing best i'd give her some credit. she's not bad, just hasnt practiced since childhood like the virtuosos. she also won an award a few years ago for "most improved guitarist" or something like that but i cant find it on goole. overall, considering she's been playing for only about 10 years and has tons of other artistic endeavors, i would say she is a decent guitar player. the people who dont think so are snobs, or they hate Madonna!
She is not very talented at all. I watched an interview with her and she said she is now playing guitar so she can write songs and make the money she has been overlooking by not writing her own songs. What she does is write the lyrics and then puts some very basic chords behind the words and then someone come through and arranges it and makes it sound respectable.

Madonna is no song writer.
hmmm good question. Though I don't ever recall her ever using one. But it is Madonna, she can do almost anything. I will give her a 5 for for the hell of it.
She only played like 3 power chords lol, just average. I'll give her a 5 just because it's Madonna. I didn't know she could even play so that's kinda cool.
-3 maybe a -1
Not bad...6...


