-im a guy but i personally dont listen to his music a lot but i dont hate him or call him a homo or something but i was just wondering if there was a guy that listens to his music?? or do only girls listen to him??I'm a girl that doesn't like Justin Bieber but I do know a few of my guy friends that do like him. My boyfriend really likes him and will sing along with the radio all the time. Another one of the males that i know who like Justim Bieber is in his late 30s.Well, it is ok. Everybody has their own opinion about him. It's your choice. I personally don't think he is a "Gay Fag" like everybody else. I personally just think he sounds sort of sounds like a girl. Besides, I know a boy who went to the movie and liked it. Once again, you decide.
gay boys, i suppose.....the guy has no future. sure, he can sing with that high voice of his but once he hits puberty, he's out of the job. his lyrics are all crap so there's no talent there at all, idc who writes them.
Yes, but I highly doubt that they aren't just claiming that.
Listen to Blind Guardian, and stop listening to bieber.
Sure there are.
The ones who listen to him are more mature and manlier than those who call him "gay fag" and such.
If a man listens to him they are no longer a man so no it is not possible.
I don't, but there are definitely some out there. 98% of his fans are girls.
Yep some guys do listen to his music & are fans of him.
yeah, the ones with complex sexualities.
Nice try Justin Bieber fan. Just admit you love his songs.
i definitely do not listen to him?
i listen to him pretty much
lol... what do you honestly think? a world with what? 8 billion people?