

What do u think of Flyleaf band?

-two years age,when i first heard flyleaf's songs i did attracted to them so much and became one of their fans but nobody but me listen to their songs among my friends.they just listen pop,rap and the others.i believe that song "circle" is one of the best and saddest songs ever and "i'm so sick,again and broken pieces" r also great.what do u think?is flyleaf a good choice or u r like my friends?Personally, I love them. I've only started listening to them this year and really only gotten into it last month. I know how you feel, I listen to this stuff and all my friends listen to pop, rap, and the others. Flyleaf is a great choice! I haven't found a song I don't like. (I love Lacey's screams, by the way). Also, they send good messages about Christianity in some songs. I like how some of their songs are Christian and some are not.

Hey, also listen to Fireflight, The Letter Black, and Eowyn. They're bands really similar to Flyleaf but they aren't as famous.I like flyleaf but not a big fan

I really like some of their old songs

I think their song "Supernatural" is the saddest song of Flyleaf

in my opinion there are better bands out there

but you're doing better than your friends

visit my page here to view my taste in music

I LOVE Flyleaf. They are one of my favorite bands and someone I listen to daily. I like the song Circle as well, but my favorite had to be Arise. It has made me cry before.

I like how they are a Christian band too, but non-Christians can still enjoy them.
Angsty radio rock, nothing new, nothing of substance, and no one in the band stands out, the lyrics are bland and so boring i almost go blind when i hear them.
They're a horrible band
christian garbage.
They suck.

